Whether you are on the hunt for the best spas in NYC or looking to take your relaxation routine up a notch, it’s clear that there are many benefits to getting pampered. In addition to the physical benefits of a massage Putrajaya, spas also have a significant impact on mental health and emotions. The feel-good hormone, serotonin, is released during a spa experience which can result in an overall better mood. Moreover, regular spa treatments can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality, thus promoting better overall wellbeing. 


A full body spa session combines the use of scrubs, steam, and massage to remove toxins from the body. The steam in saunas/steam rooms helps you sweat out toxins while the massage stimulates your lymphatic system to flush out toxins from your body. Additionally, massages promote blood flow and circulation which can help lower blood pressure if you have it. 

BETTER SLEEP: Spas can help you get a better night’s rest by relaxing your muscles and decreasing pain levels. This is because a good quality massage can help the body build up a surplus of serotonin which it then converts into melatonin, the primary sleep hormone. 

REDUCES STRESS: Aside from helping you relax and de-stress, a massage can also boost your immune system. It does this by increasing the number of white blood cells in your body, thereby improving your ability to fight infection. Furthermore, it can help lower blood pressure by calming the sympathetic nervous system which is responsible for raising blood pressure in stressful situations. 

RELIEVES ACHES AND PAINS: A good massage can significantly help alleviate the aches and pains of a variety of conditions including arthritis. It is important to inform your therapist of any pre-existing conditions so that they can tailor their treatment to your needs. 

IMPROVES CELLULAR HEALTH: Massage can help improve the function of your muscles and cellulite by increasing the elasticity of your skin. This can in turn, slow down the aging process and make your skin look younger and healthier. 

MAINTAINS MUSCLE FUNCTION: A premium massage Spa can improve the functioning of your muscles by increasing their range of motion and flexibility. This can help prevent injuries and also enhance your performance at the gym and in other sports activities. 

MOTIVATION: Regularly visiting the spa can help keep your motivation up. This is because a good massage can increase your levels of serotonin which has been shown to make people more enthusiastic and energetic. Moreover, you’ll also start feeling more relaxed and less stressed, making it easier to focus on your goals and objectives. 

If you have a hectic schedule or you are prone to headaches, then it is recommended that you seek out spa therapy to reduce your symptoms. Medical massages have a more specific end goal in mind and usually involve more targeted techniques, such as myofascial release or trigger point therapy. Having a medical massage can also be beneficial if you have chronic pain, as it can help with your recovery.