Today, 90% of companies use some type of data storage and management service in the cloud. And that includes the smallest businesses and even freelancers who have incorporated into their daily work applications like Dropbox, to save and share files; or Trello, to manage collaborative work projects.

Of course, like all new technology in adoption, cloud computing has its challenges. And if you are thinking of migrating your company data to the cloud, either to manage it or just to store it, it is better that you know it from the outset. And so, with a clear overview of those challenges and all the options at hand, to be able to determine which is the solution and the provider that best suit the needs of your business.

Challenge # 1.

As entrepreneurs, we have heard a lot about the cloud, but despite this, it is still a technology that not everyone understands; especially its usefulness. If you are missing information, we recommend reading some articles on this topic on our blog.

Challenge # 2.

In addition to understanding how the cloud works, it is essential to have identified the business needs, what is the available budget and what could be the most appropriate technological solutions; not only for the present moment but for the future. If you make a decision lightly and do not review the contracts well, there may be forced hiring deadlines, penalties for deleting data or increases in storage space, or incompatibilities with certain applications necessary for daily operation.

Challenge # 3.

One of the great advantages that technology has today is that it can accompany business growth with scalable and tailored solutions: in exchange for a flat monthly fee. The problem arises when a provider demands – in exchange for more storage space or for the use of certain applications – to install and configure other hardware, license other software, or increase the payment for the monthly subscription to the service. Then opt for providers that allow you, for example, to hire a virtual server and add applications as the business grows.

Challenge # 4.

Although it is a proven technology and much more robust than proprietary servers, cloud computing continues to arouse some mistrust among entrepreneurs and businessmen who work with sensitive data, such as those who work in the strength or finance sector.

In addition, the legislation on data privacy gives greater responsibility to businesses when handling the personal information of their customers. The good news is that the cloud is secure. Did you know that companies that store their data on their own servers experience more security incidents than those that opt ​​for this technology? Among other reasons, because cloud providers have more economic, technical, and human resources available to invest in security than an SME.

Challenge # 5.

When we purchase the license or monthly subscription of a cloud-based solution, we become dependent on the service provider, but also on the Internet connection. This is a fact that we cannot minimize when data migration is very large, when there is great mobility within the team or when handling confidential customer data. When looking for internet connection and cloud service options, spend time researching in detail what the hiring conditions, background, and security levels are offered by the providers you consider working with.